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Bandeau des 24h de l'innovation

Les 24h de l'innovation

RULES - 24h of innovation - Season 4

ARTICLE 1 - Organization

The engineering institute ESTIA organizes the 24h of innovation from the 22nd of October 2010 2pm, until the 23rd of October 2010 2pm. At the end of 24h of development, the teams will present their work in front of a jury of expert in innovation. After these presentations, the jury will select the best projects and developments carried out during 24 hours of innovation and give awards and prizes (provided by sponsors) to the members of the team.

ARTICLE 2 - Participation Fee

Registration and participation to the 24h of innovation is free.

ARTICLE 3 - Terms of participation

The 24h of innovation is an event potentially open to any adult. However, all participants must register in advance at the following address: The organizers reserve the right to refuse any registration if the maximum is reached or for any other reason without having to justify their choice. Access to ESTIA building can be refused to someone not registered to the 24h of innovation.

ARTICLE 4 - Submission procedure for ideas or projects for the inventors

Any physical person or company may propose one or more ideas, new products, new technologies, research and development topics. In this case, the person or organization affiliation will be identified as an inventor for the 24h of innovation.

Inventors undertake to communicate only accurate, real and sincere information. Each inventor may have to provide clarification or additional justification by the organizers of the 24h of innovation if necessary.

Participants of the 24h of innovation undertake to respect the privacy and intellectual property of inventors (Article 6).

The ideas and projects must be submitted before the 15th of October 2010 via the official website of the 24h of innovation: The files can be written in French or in English.

ARTICLE 5 - Conditions for the team constitution and the allocation of subjects

The team constitution is open and will not be imposed by the organizers of the 24h of innovation. The rules for the team constitution are:

Teams are free to choose their subject among the projects proposed by the inventors and applicants. A short list will be sent by mail to all participants a few days before the 24h of innovation in order to present the areas of application, the names of the inventors and of the companies. The topics will be officially communicated at the opening of the 24h of innovation and the team will then be allowed to choose them. Several teams may work on the same subject.

ARTICLE 6 - Confidentiality and intellectual property of developments

All information provided by the inventors to the organizers of the 24h of innovation will remain confidential until the opening of the event.

The inventors have full ownership of the intellectual property of the ideas and projects submitted.

The participants of the 24h of innovation undertake to respect the confidentiality of the information submitted by the inventors. The participants undertake, by their own participation and subscription to the 24h of innovation, to concede their copyright to the inventor who has been the source of their development.

As a result, inventors will have the full freedom to exploit and industrialize the results of the project proposed by the teams of the 24h of innovation.

Participants undertake to send the maximum results and other documents of the 24h of innovation to the inventor responsible of their project.

The projects presentations may be confidential only if the inventor makes an explicit request. Members of the jury of the 24h of innovation undertake to respect the confidentiality of the information of the presented projects.

ARTICLE 7 - Awarding the best project of the 24h of innovation

A jury will review the projects proposed by the teams and will select the winners. The classification of the projects may be made from the documents and prototypes proposed during the presentations.

Projects and developments will be judged by the jury based on the following criteria:

The winners and inventors allow the organizers and partners of the 24h of innovation to publish their name and surname, full details of their company or organization affiliation (if applicable) in every communication support without claiming any right whatsoever and within the limits of the project's confidentiality.

ARTICLE 8 - Calendar of the 24h of innovation

ARTICLE 9 - Responsibility and waiver of any recourse

Any participant of the 24h of innovation must accept this settlement and in particular undertake to respect the confidentiality and intellectual property of the inventor (Article 6).

Organizers of the 24h of innovation and legal representatives of ESTIA cannot be held liable in case of any breach of those obligations.

Organizers and legal representatives of ESTIA have the right to cancel the application and the participation of any person not complying with these rules, not respecting the equipment, the building, the staff, etc.

The participant undertakes not to take any action concerning the organization of the 24h of innovation, results and decisions of the jury.

For more informations on the 24h of innovation:

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