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Bandeau des 24h de l'innovation

Les 24h de l'innovation

List of winners of the 24h of innovation Season 2

1st award from the jury of the 24h of innovation - Season 2


Trophé 1er Prix

Project: Le puzzle helmet

2nd award from the jury of the 24h of innovation - Season 2

Yellow Submarin

Project: Thermographie appliquée à l'inspection des ouvrages sous-marins

3rd award from the jury of the 24h of innovation - Season 2

Surfeurs de l'espace

Project: Un flowrider transportable et moins cher

Award of the marketing - Season 2


Project: Surf en ville

Award of the creativity and technology - Season 2


Project: Un système de freinage pour le Flexboardz

Award of the best prototype - Season 2


Project: Antivol -VTT

Award of the best design - Season 2


Project: Boards de surf et recyclage

Award of the futuristic vision - Season 2

FLK (Front de Libération des Kiwis)

Project: Freedom : un surf sans leash

Award of the fun - Season 2

La Team Rocket

Project: Homme-bar mobile

The jury felt in love with

Junior Marracq Team

Project: Comment communiquer avant, pendant, et après un match de rugby de l'Aviron Bayonnais ?

Last updated: October 04, 2023 - Webmaster: - URL:

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