GeoTUI::Results - Study 2

Back 06 March 2007
Experiments at the IFP (Prototype version 3)

GUI / Mouse
TUI / 1-puck prop
TUI / 2-puck prop
TUI / ruler prop

  Cutting planes performed

[GUI / Mouse]

[TUI / 1-puck prop]

[TUI / 2-puck prop]

[TUI / Ruler prop]
Scoring of cutting planes performed: [ 1 2 3 4 ]
  1. Exact
  2. Nearly exact
  3. Quite far
  4. Absurd
Caption :
  • Green : border of the map.
  • Red : cutting line expected.
  • Blue : cutting line performed by the user.
  Times to perform a cutting line
Times of selection for first exercise
Exercise 1

Times of selection for first exercise
Exercise 2

Averages times for both exercises
Average for exercises 1 and 2

Box plots and average times per interaction to select a cutting line.

The performances for the four conditions of interaction differed significantly:
(one-way analysis of variance)
  • In the first exercise: F3,44=19.18, p<.001
  • In the second exercise: F3,44=4.96, p<.001
  • In both exercises: F3,92=11.79, p<.001

Results of significance of the differences between the averages:

Significance by paired t test
  Positioning of the hands
Distribution of manipulations
Exercises 1 and 2

Distribution of one-handed manipulations (left and right hand) and two-handed manipulations of props, and percent of subjects who kept, at least once, one hand on the validation pad during a series of several cutting planes.
  Number of cutting lines performed
Averages numbers of cutting planes performed
Exercises 1 and 2

Averages numbers of cutting planes performed for each exercise, using different interactions.
Results of significance:
Significance by paired t test
  Calculation of significance
* One-way analysis of variance were performed using the Analysis Tools of MS Excel.

* Paired t tests and Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests were performed using the following web calculators:
t-Value and p-Value:
z-Value and p-Value:

* Paired t tests were also performed using the following formula in a spreadsheet to calculate the t-Value:
(Extracted from:

Given two paired sets Xi and Yi of n measured values.
X^_ and Y^_ are the average of Xi and Yi, respectively.

Let X^^_i=(X_i-X^_)
and Y^^_i=(Y_i-Y^_)

Define t by

This statistic has n-1 degrees of freedom.

and then the associated p-Value was obtained using the following web calculator:

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Last modification : 03 April 2007,
Webmaster : g [dot] riviere [at] estia [dot] fr
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