GeoTUI::Gallery 2

Back 20 July 2006
Photos of the prototype (Prototype version 2)



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Mounting of the devices for video-projection and capture.
Video-projector: EPSON EMP7200 1280 x 1024 px (interpolized)
Camera : SONY XC-555P 720 x 540 px.

  Work station

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The basis of the station is... a desk!
The user, or the users, can seat or stand up.

  Interaction space

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The surface of the table gather the action space and the perception space.
The user, or the users, manipulate some physical objects to interact with the computer system.


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A map of an geographical area - displayed by video-projection - is available on the surface of the table.
The user, or the users, select a cutting line using the ruler prop.
The "OK" button of the pad permits to validate the selection of the cutting line.

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The ruler prop is manipulated by one hand or two hands: pivots, rotations, translations...

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When the user, or the users, validate the cutting line, the resulting 2D cutting plane appears.
The "Map" button of the pad permits to go back to the map, in order to perform other cutting planes.

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Last modification : 03 April 2007,
Webmaster : g [dot] riviere [at] estia [dot] fr
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