GeoTUI::Gallery - Study 2

Back 06 March 2007
User Study at the IFP (Prototype version 3)



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Traveling of the platform to the IFP.
The surface of the table must be bright, and must not have contrasted tree knots patterns.


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This study was a mono-user one and involved 12 subjects.
Each subject performed the same 2 exercises using each 4 interaction.
One observer took notes about the subjects actions.

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They performed with a GUI using a mouse, and with a TUI using 3 different props: a one-puck prop, a two-puck prop, and a ruler prop.
Order was counter-balance between GUI and TUI, and between props on TUI.
Subjects validated actions on the TUI using a physical pad.

  Exercises with GUI

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For the first exercise, subjects must do some cutting planes at the coordinates given on a sheet of paper.
For the second exercise, subjects must do cutting planes in order to recognize a letter of the alphabet hidden in a full dense cube.
Allowed time was 2 minutes per exercise.
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When using the mouse, we observe that the hand of the subjects stays at the same place.
The user do numerous simple generic physical actions.
The average time to select a cutting plane was 17.34 seconds with the mouse.

  Exercises with TUI

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When starting with the TUI, subjects are told to dispose the validation pad where they want.
They do the same 2 exercise with 3 different props.

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*   When using the one-puck prop, subjects did very numerous movings of the hand. They also did bi-manual interaction using one hand for the prop, and keeping the other hand for the validation pad. The average time to select a cutting plane was 35.62 seconds with the one-puck prop.
*   When using the two-puck prop, subjects did very often two-handed manipulation of the prop. They nearly never kept one hand on the validation pad. The average time to select a cutting plane was 15.20 seconds with the two-puck prop.
*   When using the ruler prop, subjects did equally one- and two-handed manipulation of the prop. During the first exercise (precision), they rarely kept one hand on the validation pad. However, during the second exercise (navigation) they very often kept one hand on the validation pad, manipulating the ruler with only one hand. The average time to select a cutting plane was 11.88 seconds with the one-puck prop.

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Last modification : 03 April 2007,
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